Sunday, 3 November 2013


So this is my story.

But before I start, I should probably share this song first. It is called "Christ is Enough", by Hillsong, and I personally prefer the acoustic version of it.

I am currently in the midst of my final exam. I know I have been slightly ('slightly' is definitely an understatement) behind my revision schedule, and so I am working extra hard for it, till the extent where I was willing to give up a lot of things that I used to do. I rejected invitations from my friends to hang out, skipped meals, reduced my sleeping hours etc. Beginning this week, I even skipped my daily devotion time. which turns out to be my biggest mistake ever.

Little did I notice that a tiny action could actually bring a great impact. Ever since I started skipping my devotion time, I find it harder for me to concentrate whenever I am studying. The amount of time for me to understand something I read seems to have doubled, or even tripled. I couldn't remember what I studied. And the list goes on. Initially, I thought it was just me being too tired for studying for long hours, and also due to lack of sleep. But I was wrong.

One day, my mom called. She asked me if I prayed that day, and I lied. I told her I did, but in fact, I couldn't even remember the last time I prayed in that week. The next day, I went to Christian Fellowship, and before it started, "Christ is Enough" was played in the background. Somehow, it just got stuck in my mind instantly. For a couple of days, that song was on replay, on my computer and in my head.

I stepped into church today, but I sensed emptiness. The first few songs I sang during praise and worship meant nothing at all to me. It was as though I was just singing for the sake of singing. I couldn't even feel the presence of the Lord. Or maybe there was just too many things going on in my head that I couldn't focus, and my heart refused to quiet down. Then came this song. "Christ is Enough". Again. Coincidence? I don't think so.

I broke down when it came to the chorus.

"Christ is enough for me. Everything I need is in You."

I was singing that, but did I really mean it? Did I really believe in what I was singing? It hit me real hard.
All along I was trying to pursue my dream, or at least what I think I want. But why are we searching non-stop when all we need is right there in front of us, calling out to us, reaching out to us? Academic excellence can only last you a lifetime. But God, He provides for us eternally.

"God will be with you if you align your heart with His will," shared the preacher today.

"I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.
The cross before me, the world behind me, no turning back, no turning back."

I realized that no matter how busy you are in life, you need God. If He is all you have at the moment, you already have all you need. You don't even have to search for more. Trust Him, and He will guide you through life.

My brother always says,"Let God start your every day. Spend as much time as possible with Him, don't worry if you do not have enough time for other things. For when you do, He will do wonders." I never understood what he meant until today.

And so this is the lyrics to the song. Enjoy : ) God bless you all!  : )

Christ is my reward
And all of my devotion

Now there's nothing in this world
That could ever satisfy

Through every trial
My soul will sing
No turning back
I've been set free

Christ is enough for me
Christ is enough for me
Everything I need is in You
Everything I need

Christ my all in all
The joy of my salvation
And this hope will never fail
Heaven is our home

Through every storm
My soul will sing
Jesus is here
To God be the glory

I have decided to follow Jesus
No turning back
No turning back

The cross before me
The world behind me
No turning back
No turning back

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Why Question?

I am a strong believer of the saying “Everything happens for a reason”, and often because of that, I tend to try to find out the reason behind everything that has ever happened to me. However, many a time, I just end up being dejected and disappointed. As years passed, I finally came to a conclusion that that is not the smartest thing to do after all. Some things just happen because God has planned it to be that way.

I remember when I first stepped into college, I was so involved in many activities, clubs and societies that I hardly had any time left for myself, or even God. Every single day of the week, I had at least an event going on, be it Student Council meeting, hovercraft construction project, debate discussion or volunteering with AFS. Without me noticing, all these activities had become perfect excuses for me to miss Christian Fellowship.

End of semester came. And that was when I realized that I had only attended CF four times. Yes, even I myself was shocked. So, where had the promise of “I will go for CF every week” gone to? But God would not just let me live in guilt forever.

The phone rang, it was the soon-to-be CF vice president. She asked me if I would want to take up the post of being the Head of Ushers and Follow-up team alongside with another senior. No kidding, I was about to decline, but something in me just made me accept it. For a few weeks, the thought that it was me and not any other CF members being given this privilege disturbed me day and night. I mean, why was it me when there are many other passionate members? I was not even anywhere close to being a regular attendee.
Well, I had already agreed on joining the team, there was literally no turning back. 

Somewhere along the way, the treasurer decided to quit and I was to take over. This time, I did not hesitate. What surprised me was that I actually enjoyed being in the team. Assistant cell group leader, pianist in the worship team, treasurer; it is not easy to juggle between studies and all these responsibilities, but when I think of God who once sacrificed everything for our sake, the tiny sacrifices that we make become so incomparable.

Come to think about it, all along, it was God whom had led me through these times. He just could not bear seeing me go astray. How much more can I thank Him for not leaving me hanging by a thread just because I have forsaken Him?

“No matter how far you go in life, one day you will find yourself going back to the center of all, which is God.” I could not agree more with what my Physics lecturer once told the class.

So, what is the point of being in search of the reason behind everything? We all clearly know that the reason lies in God’s hands, and all we need to do is just trust and obey. When the day comes, He will let you know if it were meant to be known.