Friday, 26 February 2016

Farewell, memory

Today, I wrote a mental death certificate for my external hard drive. Well, unless it chooses to resurrect one day. That will make things complicated, but part of me secretly hopes that that day will come.

The worst part is this: I had chosen to reformat my computer just a day before the tragedy, and have yet to transfer most of my documents back onto my computer. In the process of doing so, my computer died on me too! It showed a screen saying 'Automatic Repair couldn’t repair your PC'. I was beyond devastated. But that's another story all on its own.

I am a visual person. What that means is that when I am shown something, I have a higher tendency of remembering it. Every now and then, I would browse through my photos and reminisce the past. The reason I said that is because I lost ALL photographs ever since my first digital one, with no other backup copies. Of course, there are also the more important stuff like my assignments, but losing photographs is almost equal to having my memory fail me.

I refuse to accept this reality but I don't think I have an option anymore. Tonight, I should mourn for the passing on of my virtual memory.