Monday, 26 May 2014

The tiny circle of awesome people

*Typewriter typing*
*Narrator narrating in the background*

Thursday 22nd May 2014. 

I stayed back at uni to seek for assistance with CREO from Adrian. Again. We ended up talking about random stuff such as what each of us carry in our bags. Krystel has the weirdest things in her bag, such as her flight ticket to Seoul which dates back a year ago lol. We also looked at our old Facebook photos to see how much we have changed in the past few years. I did not have to cook dinner today, most of my housemates went for an event in uni, so I ate out with Krystel and Adrian. It's just amazing how different we are but how well we can click. Oh, happy day.

Saturday. 24th May 2014. 

So, I spent the entire evening/night at ALA's (Adrian Leroy and Andrew's) 'cause we were invited over for dinner. We had really nice food. Chinese dumplings, pasta, cous cous and quiche were on the menu. After tasting their cooking, man, ours is seriously nothing man. And they are guys! 

And their house is so nicely decorated and so cozy. Maybe it's really time for us to decorate our house now. The fellowship was amazing. I feel like we owe them so much, 'cause we were nobody yet they treated us a meal. I mean, who are we to deserve this? 

After dinner we even had a jam session. There are so many hidden talents among our housemates I can't even... Never knew Joseph can play the drum or the piano, or Ivan, the piano. Makes me feel uber lousy being with this people. And Adrian, man that guy is good! It's like you give him any song and he can just play it out by hearing. That was a perfect end to the week, I hope everyone had fun like I did. 

Monday. 26th May 2014. 

So, after the life group on Friday, Elena decided that my life story is too interesting that she asked me out for lunch today. (Okay, I totally made that inference up myself lol.) To be honest, I didn't regret accepting the offer 'cause we ended up talking so much about life. We talked about the dreams my brother and I share, mission trips, current problems that I'm facing, how we ended up doing the degree that we are doing, baptism of the Holy Spirit, things I gave up along the way in life, sports and so on. 

She told me that at first she thought that I'm super quiet, but after talking to me a few times, she had this feeling in her that there are still a lot of stories untold in me that made her really keen to dig more out. And eventually, she was also glad that she did, 'cause she realized that I'm someone whom she would enjoy talking to as well. 

Friday and Sunday are routines, where I get to meet my life group people on a weekly basis. Being surrounded by such people sometimes just makes me wanna take back my words about me regretting to come over to Australia. Of course, I wouldn't know what kind of people I'll meet if I were to go to the UK, but when you're blessed with such goodness, why not just appreciate and be grateful? 

I have always been a very passive person when it comes to meeting new people. As in, if nobody approaches me, I take a long time to step out of my comfort zone to introduce myself to others. (I know that isn't a good thing, it's probably time for me to change.) A big shoutout to all UQ7 members for making me feel welcomed in your tiny circle of awesome people! 

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