Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Taking things for granted

I was recently nominated by a friend of mine to do a thankfulness challenge. Basically, I just have to list a few things/people that I am thankful of, and it goes on for five consecutive days. I am currently on my second day, but I am already struggling with it. It makes me realise how often I take things for granted, there are actually so many things to be thankful of, yet often we don't see them.

Back to where I left it off yesterday, my English teacher replied my email!!!! I was so excited that I immediately told a few friends of mine. They must have thought that I was crazy, it was just an email! LOL.

Mom asked me how do I feel about my friends who are flying off soon to study in the UK, and if I still have any regrets coming over to Australia. It's funny how mom thinks that bringing this matter up will cause an emotional turmoil within me. But I am glad how thoughtful and sensitive she is. Anyways, I told her that I am fine now, that this matter will not affect me anymore, especially after the Future Conference that I attended. 

I guess God just have different ways to speak to people and wake people up. For whatever He has in store for me in the coming 3 years (I still can't believe I am almost completing my first year already), I am ready!

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